Company formation

Spanish Residency
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Company formation

self employedSpain can be an attractive market for investors for new companies can benefit from a reduction of 15% on Corporate Tax. As long as they carry out economic activities, these companies may pay 15% or 20% of the said tax (depending on the tax base) within the first two years of activity in which the company has obtained a positive balance, instead of the general applicable rate of 25%.
Likewise, due to the free movement of goods and capital in the European Union, its target market will not only be the Spanish one, but also all the member countries of the common market of the EU.
We can help you establishing your company if your partners are individuals within ten days. If you are outside the country, we can create the company through a bilingual power of attorney, which you will notarize, legalize and send to our offices.
If you still don’t have a NIE certificate, ask about our service to obtaining such document quickly.
The creation of the company includes the registration in activities before the Spanish Tax Office AEAT .

Contact our office to open your business in Spain today calling to +34 615 57 93 61 or email us to