Digital Certificate

Spanish Residency
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Digital Certificate

Residence permit for British nationals and BrexitAlthough back in 2015 the Law 39/2015, of October 1, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, which established the right and the obligation to interact electronically with Public Administrations was enacted, many citizens did not learn about it due to lack of expertise in the handling of new technologies. Only lawyers, agencies and accountants learnt about the process and used it regularly.
However, the new reality has limited the allocation of appointments and, in many cases, it has eliminated them, meaning that the telematic service has become the only way to submit certain requests. Therefore, the only legal way to identify yourself when doing any telematic procedure is through the digital certificate.
If you need to apply for your social security number to work, register in your city’s Town Hall to process your residence (Empadronamiento) or register a car, you will need a digital certificate in order to speed up the procedure. Certain cities such as Barcelona have a waiting period of a month and a half to get the appointment for the Town Hall registration.
All self-employed people must have a digital certificate as they have to submit all the documentation related to their taxes and the annual tax declaration electronically. Our lawyers are experts in the field and make the process fast and efficient, so you don’t’ have to worry about dealing with bureaucracy in Spain.

To obtain your digital certificate contact us calling to +34 615 57 93 61 or email us to