what is the situation after brexit

What is the situation after brexit

by | Feb 15, 2021 | Inmigration | 0 comments

Uk Nationals in Spain after the end of the transitional period maybe in two situations:
They may be beneficiaries of the withdrawal agreement because they comply with its
provisions or not, which case they will be subject to Spanish legislation on foreigners.

So if you arrive in Spain after January 1 st 2021 and you are not beneficiary of the
agreement a visa or resident permit will be required. If you want more information,
please contact with us.

Registration certificates and residency card to family members of a union citizen
obtained before the end of the transition period serve to prove legal residence and
benefit from the provision of the agreement.

Spanish authorities strongly recommended the new residence document. TIE CARD
Because it follows the European Model of documentation. If you want more
information, please contact with us.

Spanish Residency


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